Sizing Machine for Paper Production

In today’s paper manufacturing sector, the sizing machine is a crucial apparatus that binds paper pulp together, enhancing its durability and strength. This machine is essential in the paper production process, enabling the creation of a wide range of top-quality paper goods. Leizhan has developed a cutting-edge sizing machine through extensive research and design efforts.

The sizing machine facilitates the adhesion of paper by uniformly spreading adhesive over the paper pulp’s surface. Leizhan’s advanced sizing machine offers precise control over the thickness and evenness of the adhesive coating, guaranteeing a steady and uniform paper quality throughout production.

Leizhan’s sizing machine is designed for efficient and precise adhesive application on paper pulp, ensuring consistent and high-quality paper production. With adjustable glue flow rates and coating speeds, it caters to a variety of paper types and thicknesses, enhancing overall production efficiency. For further information, please reach out to us at